Common Solutions
- ★ Fat Channel Plug-ins Installing and Activating, but not showing up in Studio One on Windows
- ★ Problem with Studio One requiring that you activate the software every time that you reboot your computer.
- ★ Installing the Softube Tape Plug-in that can be purchased from the PreSonus Shop
- ★ Why does Studio One 3.5 crash on OS X 10.9.5 loading built in audio device?
- ★ Activating iLok - Based Licenses with iLok Manager for Studio One Add Ons
- ★ Problem with songs refusing to add plug-ins in Studio One on Windows
- Studio One 3 Tech Specs
- How do I add a new action button for the Studio One Remote on Android Devices?
- Problem with blank white screen in Studio One 3 and Universal Control
- Studio One 3 Artist - iZotope Nectar Elements and the Blue Yeti Studio Bundle
- How Many Activations do I get with my StudioOne License?
- Studio One 3 - How Do I Setup a MIDI Hardware Keyboard/Synthesizer in Studio One 3?
- Studio One 3 - Setting up a Song to Record With a MIDI Hardware Keyboard/Synthesizer in Studio One 3.
- Studio One 3 - Bounce MIDI to Audio From a Hardware Keyboard/Synthesizer in Studio One 3.
- Studio One Remote not connecting to Studio One
- Updating Studio One 3
- High CPU usage with Studio One 3
- Purchasing and Installing VocALign ; iLok Account needed
- Studio One 3.3 - compatibility issue with Melodyne 2.x
- Studio One 3 Resources for Learning
- PreSonus Software License Transfer
- Studio One 3 - Invalid Login and Email Error
- Basic Midi Setup - New Keyboard/ Control Surface / Instrument / Faderport
- Studio One 3 won't launch on Windows 7 SP1
- Drag and Drop functionality not working in Studio One on Windows
- Studio One Remote requires version Studio One Professional 3.0.1+ to work
- How to Make Multi-Touch work for OS X?
- Scratch Pad Crashing Fix
- Where can I learn more about Studio One 3?
- Problem with graphics in Studio One Version 3