Studio One v3
Videos and Information about Common Questions, Activation and Usage of Studio One v3
Getting Started
Studio One Version 3 Tutorials
- Studio One v3 Video Tutorials Introduction
- Episode 62: Red Light Dist
- Episode 63: MultiBand Dynamics Part 1
- Episode 64: MultiBand Dynamics Part 2
- Episode 65: Compressor (De-Esser)
- Episode 66: Limiter
Common Solutions
- ★ Fat Channel Plug-ins Installing and Activating, but not showing up in Studio One on Windows
- ★ Problem with Studio One requiring that you activate the software every time that you reboot your computer.
- ★ Installing the Softube Tape Plug-in that can be purchased from the PreSonus Shop
- ★ Why does Studio One 3.5 crash on OS X 10.9.5 loading built in audio device?
- ★ Activating iLok - Based Licenses with iLok Manager for Studio One Add Ons
- ★ Problem with songs refusing to add plug-ins in Studio One on Windows
Studio One 3.5 Audio Dropout Protection and Low-Latency Monitoring
Common Questions
- ★ How can I get my Waves plug-ins to show up in Studio One?
- I'm thinking of buying a new computer to run Studio One 3. What are some things that I should consider?
- Is it possible to use a touchscreen monitor with Studio One?
- Where is the Studio One 3 User Manual?
- I would like to try Studio One 3 before I purchase it. Is there a demo available?
- Studio One 3 Artist OEM - What is Included?
Studio One v3 Videos
- Studio One 3 - Compare Versions
- Studio One 3 - Browser Overview
- Studio One 3 - Arranger Track and Scratch Pads
- Studio One 3 - Manipulating Audio
- Studio One 3 - Working With Events
- Studio One 3 - Introducing Note FX
New Features
- Studio One 3 : Start Page
- Studio One 3 : Audio Device Setup
- Studio One 3 : Integrated AI Mixer Control
- Studio One 3 : Advanced Options Overview
- Studio One 3 : Editing
- Studio One 3 : Global and Focus MIDI Mapping