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Studio One 3 : Advanced Options Overview

Advanced Options

Studio One offers the following ways to customize your workflow. Click on each tab in the Studio One/Options/Advanced (Mac OS:

Preferences/Advanced) menu to access these options.

Many of the following options that pertain to editing in Arrange view can be accessed and toggled on or off by clicking the Options button in the Arrange view toolbar.



Click on the Editing tab to access the following options:


  • Enable Crosshair Cursor for Tools is engaged by default. It enables a large, white, vertical-and-horizontal crosshair in the Arrange view that aids in displaying the exact position of the various mouse tools.
  • Locate When Clicked in Empty Space is disengaged by default. When engaged, it allows the timeline cursor to be located based on clicking in empty space or clicking where there are no Events.
  • Apply Folder Track Color to Content is disengaged by default. When engaged, it causes all content contained in a Folder Track to be color-coded with the same color you choose for the Folder Track.
  • Don’t Show Event Names removes the name labels from Events in the Arrangement view. This is purely an aesthetic difference and does not change any functions.
  • Draw Events Translucent is not engaged by default. It enables the Timeline grid in the Arrange and Edit view to be seen in the background, through Events. Seeing the grid may help with various editing tasks.



Click on the Automation tab to access the following options:


  • Automation Follows Eventsis engaged by default. This means that automation envelopes lock to Events so that moving an Event with automation “under” it also moves the automation.
  • Disable Events Under Automation Envelopes is also engaged by default. This makes Events unavailable to the mouse tools while viewing an automation envelope, which helps prevent you from unintentionally editing underlying Events while editing automation.
  • Automatically Add Envelopes for all Touched Parameters is disabled by default. Engaging this option adds an automation envelope for any automation-friendly parameter when you touch its control.
  • The Default Envelopes for new Audio Tracks selectors let you specify which types of automation envelopes are created for each new track by default. You can enable or disable Volume, Pan, and Mute.



Click on the Audio tab to access the following options:


  • Use Cache for Timestretched Audio Files is engaged by default. It is described in depth in the UsingTimestretchCache

section of the Editing chapters of the Studio One 3 Manual.

  • Record Tempo Information to Audio Files is engaged by default. When engaged, this option enables tempo tagging for any audio file recorded in Studio One. The Song tempo at the time position of the recording is saved with the file, so that automatic timestretching can be accomplished. If another application has issues reading audio files from Studio One, try disabling this option.
  • Use Dithering for Audio Devices and Audio File Export is engaged by default, and means that triangular dithering (with no noise-shaping) is applied when the audio signal’s bit depth is reduced from a higher bit depth by a device or during file export. Turn this off if you would like to use a third-party dithering solution, such as a limiter Insert effect on the main output that has built- in dithering with characteristics you prefer.
  • Use Realtime Processing to Update Mastering Files ensures that real-time processing is used when the mastering file for a given Song is automatically updated. This is necessary when Songs utilize certain devices, such as External Instruments, that require a real-time mixdown in order to be included in the mix.
    • Pre-record Audio Input creates a buffer of a length you can specify, which records continuously, even when the transport is stopped. This saves the audio you create before recording begins. Once recording concludes, the number of seconds of audio you've specified are available before the point at which recording started.

◦     The recorded data is collected in the Input Channels as long as physical inputs are connected. After recording with Pre- Record enabled, you can reveal the pre-recorded data by pulling the Event-start handle to the left.

◦     If recording restarts on the same Track, the Pre-Record data is limited to the last recording’s end, so that data is not repeated and a seamless join between the two recordings is possible.

  • Record Offset allows you to input a value, in samples, by which any recorded audio should be offset in the arrangement, thereby compensating for device/driver latency.





  • Release Audio Device in Background is disabled by default. When engaged, the currently used audio device is made available to other applications when Studio One is minimized.
  • Process Audio in Safe Mode is disabled by default. When engaged, more processing bandwidth is given to audio-processing tasks, resulting in higher latency. This option may be useful on low-powered computers or on computers that exhibit performance issues.



Click on the Midi tab to access the following options:


  • Timecode Follows Loop is engaged by default and allows MIDI Timecode to remain in sync when Loop is active in a Song or Project. With this disengaged, MIDI Timecode continues to run linearly (counting up) while Studio One's transport is looping.
  • Reveal Precount Notes is disengaged by default. Engage this option to retain any MIDI notes played during the count-in when Precount is enabled. This can be helpful when playing in parts that start just before the downbeat.
  • Chase Long Notes is engaged by default. When engaged, if playback starts after a note start, the note is played as though its start time were at the position at which playback started. For instance, if a synth pad note starts at bar 1 and lasts through bar 8, and playback is started at bar 4, the note plays from bar 4 as it would normally from bar 1. With this option disengaged, in the above example, the note would not play at all.
  • Cut Long Notes at Part End is not engaged by default. When engaged, this means that notes are cut at the end of a Part where it would otherwise extend beyond the Part end. This effectively places the note-off at the Part End.
  • Record Offset allows you to input a value, in milliseconds, by which any recorded musical performance should be offset in the arrangement, thereby compensating for device/driver latency.


Windows MIDI options:


  • Hide Emulated DirectMusic Ports is engaged by default and eliminates possible redundancies in how MIDI device ports are presented in Studio One.
  • Use Legacy MIDI instead of DirectMusic is not engaged by default. Engaging this option means that Studio One ignores DirectMusic MIDI devices and accesses MIDI devices through Legacy MIDI instead.
  • Ignore MIDI Timestamps is not engaged by default. This option is useful when a MIDI device exhibits timing issues, such as drift or a general offset.



Click on the Console tab to access the following options:


  • Colorize Channel Strips Enable this option to apply channel color coding to full channel strips in the Console. Normally the color only shows on the channel labels. This sort of enhanced visual reference can be helpful when trying to navigate large Songs.
  • Solo Follows Selection With this option enabled, once a track is soloed, selecting a different track causes the newly selected track to be soloed. When this option is disabled, tracks stay soloed until solo is disengaged.
  • Channel Editor follows Selection is engaged by default and causes currently viewable channel devices, such as virtual effects or instruments, to automatically switch when a Channel is selected. This ensures you are only viewing the devices related to the selected Channel.
    • Audio Input follows SelectionEnable this option to automatically engage Record and Monitor mode for any Audio Track you select.
    • If you would like Audio or Instrument Track monitoring to be enabled automatically when recording is enabled on a Track, engage the Audio Track Monitoring Follows Record and Instrument Track Monitoring Follows Record options.
    • Audio Track Monitoring Mutes Playback (Tape Style) mutes playback of any pre-existing audio on Audio Tracks that have monitoring enabled.
    • InstrumentInput follows Selection Enable this option to automatically engage Record and Monitor mode for any Instrument Track you select.
    • Fader Mode This sets the mouse behavior for channel faders in the Console. Choose Touch to require clicking on the fader handle itself before dragging it to the desired position. Choose Jump to allow clicking anywhere on the travel of the fader to set its position.



Studio One gives you the ability to selectively enable and disable particular services, or modules, that enable specific features. This may be helpful when troubleshooting. For instance, if a ReWire device seems to be causing a problem, you can disable the ReWire service to see if that resolves the issue. This kind of troubleshooting enables the Studio One technical-support team to quickly locate and resolve specific issues with your computer system and to identify any previously unknown problems in the program.





All services are enabled by default. To disable any service, click on the Services tab in the Studio One/Options/Advanced menu (Mac

OS X: Preferences/Advanced) and click on the confirmation button, paying special attention to the disclaimer message. Then click on any service in the list and click on the Disable button to disable that service. You must restart Studio One for these changes to take effect.

If a service has been disabled, follow the instructions above, and click on the Enable button for the service in order to re-enable it. Again, Studio One needs to be restarted for any of these changes to take effect.

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