Legacy: FireStudio Interfaces Troubleshooting and Compatibility
- ★ FireStudio Interfaces: Installation Issues with Universal Control on High Sierra Mac OSX 10.13
- ★ FireStudio Interfaces: Properly connecting to PC
- Switching to the "Legacy" FireWire driver in Windows 7
- FireStudio Interfaces: Driver signing security workaround for OSX 10.10 Yosemite
- FireStudio Interfaces: Factory Reset
- FireStudio Interfaces: Switching to the "Legacy" FireWire driver in Windows 7
- FireStudio Interfaces: Checking Universal Control (UC AI) version
- FireStudio Interfaces: Apple Fusion Drive causing audio drop outs, pops, clicks, distortion on OSX 10.9 Mavericks
- FireStudio Interfaces: Default Sound Output setup for Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP, OSX 10.6 and OSX 10.7
- FireStudio Interfaces: Chaining FireStudio products and I/O limitations
- FireStudio Interfaces: Dropping audio and/or disconnecting sync on Windows Vista and Windows 7
- FireStudio Interfaces: Repair Disk Permissions / Reset PRAM
- FireStudio Interfaces: Universal Control 1.7.x overview
- FireStudio Interfaces: Force firmware update with Universal Control 1.7.x
- FireStudio Interfaces: Universal Control crashing when launched
- Where can I get a replacement power supply or accessory for my FireStudio?
- FireStudio Interfaces: Uninstall & Reinstall drivers in Windows
- FireStudio Interfaces: Setting audio from mono to stereo in Universal Control 1.7.x
- FireStudio Interfaces: Uninstalling and Reinstalling Universal Control 1.7.x drivers on a Mac OSX