Knowledge Base


FireStudio Interfaces: Chaining FireStudio products and I/O limitations

Published July 18, 2013


PreSonus supports a maximum of 52 inputs and 52 outputs for a total of 104 streams.  As long as the interface’s I/O when added to the 32 inputs and 18 outputs of the StudioLive 16.4.2, or the 32 inputs and 26 outputs of the 24.4.2 does not exceed these limits, any FireStudio Family interface can be cascaded.


Please note:  The Inputs of the cascaded unit cannot be mixed through the StudioLive mixer.  These inputs are for recording purposes only.

A max of four firestudio devices is supported or 104 streams, whichever is first. Stream counts higher than 96 require a well optimized system and a good fw chipset

Mobile: 10 in + 6 out = 16

Project:       10 in + 10 out = 20

Tube: 16 in + 6 out = 22

2626: 26 in + 26 out = 52*

Lightpipe: 32 in + 34 out = 64

16.4.2: 32 in + 18 out = 50

24.4.2: 32 in + 26 out = 58

16.0.2: 16 in + 16 out = 32

*The Firestudio 2626 is only compatible with Universal Control 1.2. If you are using current software with other Firestudio devices, you will not be able to daisy chain a Firestudio 2626.



Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

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