Knowledge Base


FireStudio Interfaces: Driver signing security workaround for OSX 10.10 Yosemite

Published July 8, 2015


OS X 10.10 Yosemite has new code-signing requirements which prevent the older firewire audio driver in Universal Control from loading. You can temporarily disable Yosemite's kernel extension code-signing checks to allow the older firewire driver versions to load.

*NOTE: Because this workaround involves disabling a built-in OS X security measure, users should consider performing this workaround at their own risk, and assume all liability for having these security measures disabled. PreSonus can not take any responsibility for any problems caused by users entering commands manually via the Terminal application.

1.) Open the Terminal application
2.) Type the following: sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1"
3.) Press the return key and enter your admin password (The password will not be visible when you type it. Enter your password and then press the Return key.)
4.) Restart the computer

*NOTE: Apple added this new kernel extension code-signing requirement as an added security measure, so this workaround should only be a temporary measure. Users should use caution when installing other third-party drivers with this security measure disabled. Once you are able to use an updated driver, you will want to revert this change.

To re-enable the kernel extension code-signing checks:

1.) Open the Terminal application
2.) Type the following: sudo nvram -d boot-args
3.) Press the return key and enter your admin password
4.) Restart the computer



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