Knowledge Base


FireStudio Interfaces: Uninstall & Reinstall drivers in Windows

Published February 15, 2010


Reasons for uninstalling and reinstalling:

  • My Universal Control crashes when I launch it
  • My device Device window is not opening properly or not opening at all
  • My Universal Control launch window displays driver version "0.0.0"

Sometimes drivers do not install properly and can cause numerous issues on your computer. This is usually caused by a file not being overwritten properly, so by uninstalling the driver before installing the new version, these issues can be easily over come.


Removing FireStudio family Driver Files

1. Disconnect your FireStudio Family interface

2. Quit all applications

3. Click on the START menu in the lower left hand corner of the screen

4. Select All Programs

5. Click on the PreSonus Folder and Open the PreSonus Universal Control folder

6. choose “Uninstall PreSonus Universal Control”

7. Windows Vista users will be asked to confirm the uninstall, click “yes”

8. You will be asked if you are sure you would like to uninstall PreSonus Universal Control. Click "yes"

9. The Uninstall process will begin.

10. Look in the System Tray in the lower right hand corner of your screen. If you see the red Universal Control icon, right-click it and select Quit from the pop-up menu

11. You will be prompted that the driver has been removed. Click OK

12. Now lets make sure the roaming folder is cleaned up.

13. Open your Start menu from the desktop and in the search field, type %appdata% and hit enter on your keyboard.

14. Now open the PreSonus folder and delete the Universal Control/FireStudio folders and any Universal Control .dmp files you see in the PreSonus folder.

An example of these files would be "Universal Control_Win x86_20121005_071000177", delete any of these files as well, they may not be present, if you do not see any do not worry.

12. Reboot your computer


Downloading and Installing the latest driver

13. Go to

14. Download the driver for you FireStudio family product from the PreSonus website and Save it to your desktop.

15. Quit your web browser and any other application you have running

16. Locate PreSonus_Universal_Control_XX.exe on your desktop (where XX is the Universal Control version number)

17. Double click on the PreSonus Universal Control Installer

18. Windows 7 and Vista Users will be asked if they want to run this file on their computer, click "Run"

19. Windows 7 and Vista Users will be asked if they want this file to make changes to their computer. Click "yes"

20. The Welcome screen will open, click "Next" to continue the installation

21. You will be told where the driver's files will be installed, click "Next to continue the installation

22. You will be asked if you would like to create a desktop icon for the Universal Control application. As you will be using this control panel quite frequently, it is suggested that you do so. Click "Next" to continue the installation

23. Click "Install" to begin installing the files on your computer

24. When the installation is finished, you will be prompted to reboot your computer.

25. Power down your computer and then connect the device.

26. Boot the computer back up.

27. Once your computer has rebooted, your interface should sync with your computer and will be ready for use.



Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

>How to create a support ticket<



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