Knowledge Base


PreSonus Metro FAQ

Created on Jan, 2024.  

Please firstly read the manual for PreSonus Metro.


The manual can be found on, locate your product and scroll down to the "Support" dropdown box. 

You may also wish to review the videos on PreSonus Metro.



1: What firmware does my StudioLive need to have?

You will need to have firmware v2.7 or higher installed on your StudioLive. 

Console update process:

Rack update process:


2: What version of Universal Control do I need?

You will require Universal Control v4.2 of higher. 

Universal Control:


3: I have an old blue version of the Series III, will PreSonus Metro work?

Yes, PreSonus Metro is a feature of all Series III consoles and rack products. 


4: Do I need to have a USB connection to make PreSonus Metro work?

Yes, the StudioLive needs to be connected to a supported computer via USB on the Host side.


5: What type of computer do I need?

PreSonus has minimum requirements for computers which can be found here.


6: The StudioLive will not show or open on the HOST side on Windows 10/11, what's going on?

Please ensure you are not having the following Sub Devices issue.


7: Do I need a fast internet connection?

You will require a stable internet connection on the host and client side. Results will vary depending on this and you can always monitor the stream health. Please refer to the PreSonus Metro guide, section 4.2 Analysis. 

Hot-spotting to a mobile device is not recommended. 


8: I cannot hear any audio on the client side?

Ensure the StudioLive is connected to USB on the host side. 

Ensure that you have correctly setup the client side audio as per the manual

If all that is correct, please ensure that the StudioLive is not in compatibility mode, if it is, you will need to exit this mode. For more details on compatibility mode please see this link.


9: I prefer 44.1kHz sample rate but the host prefers 48kHz, what can I do?

Both the client and the host must use the same sample rate, we recommend syncing to the host sample rate otherwise no audio will pass to the client side. 


10: Can I mix the FOH with PreSonus Metro?

While Metro technology fully supports mixing Front-of-House or monitors remotely, PreSonus does not recommend this use case because while you’ll have complete mixing control from your remote set-up, you will not be able to hear the mix in the room or quell feedback before it builds. So, while you may be able to dial in a great mix as a starting point for the show from anywhere, PreSonus recommends having an engineer on-site during the performance to ensure the best possible listening experience for the audience and the performers.


11: Do I need an audio interface on the client side to hear audio?

No, you do not. You can use the internal speakers on the client side but for best results we recommend using an audio interface, this can be something as small as an AudioBox Go, up to any of our current range of products including your own Series III console or rack. 

To view the full range of PreSonus products, please visit


12: UC-Metro does not work when the StudioLive is using Compatibility mode

Yes, this is correct. The StudioLive must not be using compatibility mode. Please turn if off when you need to use UC-Metro


13: If you are using a Apple Mac, ensure you wish to have audio on has Mic Permissions



Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

>How to create a support ticket<







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