Before proceeding please be sure your firmware is updated on your StudioLive and that you are using the latest Universal Control:
StudioLive Series III Console - Firmware Update
StudioLive Series III Rack mixer - Firmware Update
Universal Control:
StudioLive Series III - How to send FX to an EarMix 16M
This knowledge base article will guide you setting up and sending an aux mix to your EarMix 16M and in turn sending FX to that aux mix.
First, ensure that the firmware on your EarMix16M has been updated to the current version.
Updating your EarMix 16M Firmware
If you're new to the EarMix 16M, you may need to setup your connection. The videos below will guide you through the setup process.
Console Mixer:
PreSonus EarMix 16M—How to Setup, Quick and Easy!
Rack Mixer:
Routing Aux Mixes on the 16R to the EarMix 16M with UC-Surface
Now we can move on to sending FX to your Auxes which are already being sent to your EarMix 16M.
Console Mixer:
Rack Mixer:
You should now be hearing FX through your selected aux mixes.