Updated Feb. 17 2021
Before continuing you will need to be sure you are using the latest Universal Control and Firmware for your StudioLive/EarMix 16M:
StudioLive Series III Console - Firmware Update
StudioLive Series III Rack mixer - Firmware Update
Universal Control can be downloaded here:
1. Connect your 16R to your EarMix 16M using a quality CAT5e or CAT6 cable or the blue cable that came with your mixer. Just make sure to read the text on the actual cable.
Here is a list of our recommend Ethernet cabling for AVB:
2. Please ensure to connect the cable to the Audio Network port on the 16R
Be sure you are not connecting your EM16 to the Control port of your StudioLive.
3. On the EarMix, connect to the AVB In port.
4. Open the virtual mixer in Universal Control by doubling clicking the StudioLive 16R icon.
5. Go to settings in the top right of Universal Control.
6. Then select the Network tab and select your 1-8 Input Source to AVB Send 17-24
7. Select the Digital Patching>AVB Sends and change AVB 17 to Mix 1, AVB 18 to Mix 2 until all six Aux mixes are rerouted.
8. Your Aux mixes will now be routed 1-6 on your EarMix 16M.
Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at My.PreSonus.com/Support for further assistance.
>How to create a support ticket<