Knowledge Base


Problem with blank screens in My PreSonus /web browser issues

Published September 21, 2021


If you are having a problem with your My PreSonus or PreSonus Sphere account showing up with a blank screen, or if you are having other browser-related issues, please refer to the troubleshooting steps below.


1.  In the address line of your browser, please type the following URL for My PreSonus or Studio One+  


This will end your session and give you the option to log back into your account.  


2.  Try using a different browser.  We recommend Google Chrome.


3.  Clear the cache in your browser or try running the browser in "Incognito" mode.


4.  Disable any 3rd-party add-ons or extensions in your browser.


5.  Try disabling or uninstalling any 3rd-party security software that you might have running on your system.




To report any issues, please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

>How to create a support ticket<



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