Knowledge Base


Manual Uninstall of Universal Control on Windows

Published May 20, 2021


The following steps will perform a manual uninstall/reinstall of Universal Control.  


This can resolve typical installation conflicts. 

These conflicts can occur any time you connect and install/disconnect and uninstall any device on your computer.  Doing so creates hidden device instances associated with each connection port.  With this uninstall method, we are cleaning out these device instances so they do not conflict with a new installation.

This uninstall method can also resolve other elusive conflicts with device settings and or performance.


1. Disconnect the hardware from your computer and uninstall Universal Control.



2. Hit the Windows Key



3. Now type “View advanced system settings” and click on it.



4. Click Environment Variables button.



5. Click the New button for the top section on this window.


6. For "Variable Name:" type the following exactly:




For "Variable Value:" enter a single number " 1 ".




7. Click OK a couple times and then open the Device Manger.



8. Click the View menu and check "Show Hidden Devices".



9. Right click and Uninstall any instance that shows your PreSonus product, "PreSonus", and or "Unknown Device" you see listed under any category.



10. Restart your computer.



11.  Reinstall Universal Control by right clicking the downloaded Universal Control.exe file and select 'Run as an Administrator' and then retest.





Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

>How to create a support ticket<



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