Knowledge Base


StudioLive Series III Rack mixers - Creating Projects and Scenes

Published February 23, 2021

Before proceeding please be sure your firmware is updated on your respective StudioLive and Universal Control:

StudioLive Series III Console - Firmware Update

StudioLive Series III Rack mixer - Firmware Update

Universal Control:



For information on which attributes are saved in the project or scene filters, see the article below; StudioLive Series III - Project, Scene, and Preset Recall-Filters

More information can also be found here in the Universal Control Reference Manual, section 7.


To access your Project and Scene Libraries, press the ‘Prj’ button in the top-right corner.



This icon opens up the Projects and Scenes view in Universal Control.



Saving a Project (Main Show-file)

1. Click a blank area in the left hand column.



2. Now click Store at the top of the column. When you do, a small window will open asking you to name your Project.



3. Name your Project and click 'OK.' A new Project will save and a new Scene will automatically save within that Project.



Loading a Project:
1. Tap the name of the desired Project.
2. Press the Recall button at the top of the Project column.
3. Once loaded, the Current Project field will display the Project name and the Current Scene field will display the first scene saved in that project.

NOTE: If you have multiple Scenes in a Project, the first Scene will automatically be loaded when switching from different Projects.


Saving a Scene to your Project

Saving a scene works the same way as saving a project, however, the Project is the main show-file and the Scenes are saved within the Project.

Projects contain more global related settings while the Scenes are more related to mix and Fat Channel settings.

Please see the link below to see which settings are saved to the Project or Scene:


1. Click a blank area in the right hand column. You can select an Empty Location or a previously used location. Selecting a previously stored Scene will overwrite the stored settings with the current settings.



2. Now click Store at the top of the column. When you do, a small window will open asking you to name your Scene.



3. Name your Scene and click 'OK.' A new Scene will save in the Scene column.



Loading a Scene:
1. Tap the name of the desired Scene.
2. Press the Recall button at the top of the Scene column.
3. Once loaded, the "Current Scene" field at the top of the list will show the Scene that was just loaded.



Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

>How to create a support ticket<

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