Updated Nov 16, 2020
Before proceeding please be sure your firmware is updated on your respective StudioLive and Universal Control:
StudioLive Series III Console - Firmware Update
StudioLive Series III Rack mixer - Firmware Update
Universal Control:
https://www.presonus.com/products/Universal Control/downloads
Recall Filters are used to control what type of parameters are recalled when you load a Project, Scene or even a Preset.
*NOTE* If you are not on up to date firmware you may not see the recall filters described below. Please ensure current firmware is installed on your mixer.
Project and Scene recall filters can be accessed by entering the scene menu in Universal Control in the top right corner of Universal Control.
or by touching the filters option on the console's [Scenes] menu.
Preset filters and preset advanced filters can be accessed by entering the preset menu in Universal Control on the right side of the screen.
or by touching Advanced Filters option on the console preset menu (appears when you press 'load' or 'save' in the Fat Channel section).
When you save a project, it saves the mode for each FlexMix, Talkback assignments, and all the routing set in the Digital Patching menu in addition to System settings like Sample Rate, Network Settings, and Cue Source.
When you save a scene, it saves all the settings you need to recall your mix like Channel Strip parameters, Fat Channel models and settings, and Channel Identifiers like name, color, and type. (*NOTE* Scenes created in one Project cannot be recalled in any other Project).
Presets are globally accessible from any project or scene, so if you've created the perfect reverb preset in one project or scene, you can recall it later from any other project or scene.
It's only on recall that you have control of what loads, using the Recall Filters.
If a Recall Filter is off (not highlighted blue), then that parameter category will not recall with the project or scene. If it's on (highlighted blue), then that parameter category will recall.
The general rule is that for any mixer setting for channels and buses that is not explicitly covered by a Recall Filter, you should expect it to always recall.
Filters List
Below is a list of Project and Scene recall filters as listed in the StudioLive Series III Manual section 9.6.3. With the exception of Phantom Power, all filters are enabled by default.
Here is a list of the Project recall filters and what will be recalled when they're turned on:
- Input Source: Analog, Network, SD, and USB.
- Flex Mode: The bus mode for each FlexMix (Aux, Subgroup, or Matrix).
- Flex Pre/Post: Pre 1, Pre 2, or Post Settings for all FlexMixes.
- FX Pre/Post: Pre 1, Pre 2, or Post Settings for all FX Mixes.
- Talk Assign: All Talkback assignments.
- GEQ: GEQ bus assignments and curve settings.
- Solo: Solo Mode (Radio, Latch, or Control Room), Solo in Place, Solo Selects, Solo PFL, Solo Level.
- AVB Routing: All AVB Streams from external devices to which the mixer is listening. Talker streams are global settings that are not affected by or stored within Project settings
- Input Patching: The Analog Input Patching set in the Digital Patching menu.
- Output Patching: Analog Output Routing set in the Digital Patching menu.
- AVB Patching: Internal patching of all AVB streams set in the Digital Patching menu.
- SD Patching: The SD Patching set in the Digital Patching menu.
- USB Patching: USB Stream Routing set in the Digital Patching menu.
- User Functions: The User Function button assignments as well as User Fader and Fat Channel layer assignments.
- General: Peak Hold, Link Aux Mute Mode, Phones Cue Source, Network IP Settings.
Here is a list of the Recall Filters and what will be recalled with a Scene when they're turned on:
- Channel info: Name, Color, Type.
- Preamps: Preamp Trim and Digital Gain, Phantom Power, Polarity.
- Channel Strip: Solo, Pan, Stereo Link, Link Options, Pre/Post Digital Send, Digital Send Source, Fat Channel A/B state.
- Input Fat Channel: High Pass Filter, Gate Settings and Key Source, Compressor Settings and Key Source, EQ Settings, Fat Channel Order (EQ<>Comp), Limiter Setting.
- Output Fat Channel: High Pass / Low Pass Filter, Compressor Settings, EQ Settings, Fat Channel Order (EQ<>Comp), Limiter Setting.
- Mutes: On/Off state for all Mutes.
- Mix Level: The Main Mix output level.
- Mix Assigns: The channel and subgroup assignments to the Main Mix.
- Subgroup Assigns: The channel assignments to every subgroup.
- Aux / Matrix Mixes (Every Aux or Matrix flex mix): Send Levels, Send Mutes, Send Pans.
- FX Mixes (Every FX mix bus): Send Levels Send Mutes Send Pans.
- FX Type / Settings: The active effect type for each FX Rack slot All associated FX parameter settings.
- DCA Groups (All DCA Group settings): Name, Color, Channel, Type, Channels Assigned, Mix Levels (Main, FlexMixes, FX)
- Mute Groups: Name, Channels Assigned, Mute State (on / off)
Also worth noting is that there are similar Recall Filters for individual Channel Preset loading.
You of course have the normal simple Channel Preset Recall Filters for Gate, Comp, and EQ, but on the Series III mixers, you also have a whole host of Advanced Recall Filters as well. You can actually save and recall just about every setting on a channel with a Channel Preset:
- Faders
- Names
- Mutes
- Assigns
- Pan
- Polarity
- Color
- PreAmp
- +48V
- Channel Type
- Mix Send/Pan
Again, the rule of thumb is, if you don't see something explicitly covered by a Recall Filter, then you should assume that it always recalls.