Updated 11/9/2020
Before continuing you will need to be sure you are using the latest Universal Control.
Universal Control can be downloaded here:
This article explains the differences between the two ways to backup your StudioLive's saved Project/Scenes.
PLEASE NOTE: Before proceeding with backups, be sure that you have Stored your unsaved changes. The backups only backup information that is SAVED and will not backup unsaved changes that are not stored to a Project/Scene/Preset.
Full Backup:
A full Backup of your StudioLive is done from the "Backup" tab of Universal Control when logged in to your StudioLive.
This method will save all currently saved Project/Scenes/Presets as one .BAK file to your computer's hard-drive.
After creating a Backup in the Backup Tab, simply highlight the dated backup of your choice and click "Restore" and the Backup will be loaded onto your StudioLive.
Saving to the "Local" side:
You can also backup your Projects/Scenes to the "Local" Side of the Import/Export tab in the Projects/Scenes menu.
The difference between saving "Locally" and creating a "Backup" is that with Local saves, you can copies of your Projects/Scenes to your computer individually- instead of saving everything as one file.
The "Mixer" side of the Import/Export menu refers to Projects saved on the Mixer itself, while "Local" refers to the Computer/Device that Universal Control is being utilized from.
For further information on creating a Backup for your StudioLive:
StudioLive Series III: Backup/Restore Projects, Scenes and Presets in Universal Control 3.0+