Knowledge Base


Windows 10 - Digital Signature - Code 52 Error

We have identified an issue with some of our recent device drivers on Windows 10 that started with the 1607 b14393 update of Windows 10 called the Summer Update (code named Redstone) released the last week of September 2016. 

Systems that display this error have Secure Boot enabled in their BIOS and have a factory installation of Windows 10 may experience an issue where their PreSonus device driver will stop working due to a lack of a digitally signed certificate for the device driver. 

This does not apply to all Windows 10 systems, however for the systems that experience this issue, we advise removing UC 1.8 or UC 1.8.1 and install UC 1.8.3 which now includes signed device drivers for all currently supported products on Windows 10 1607 b1493. 

You can find the updated UC 1.8.3 (or newer) builds on the download page and in your account. 
Once the newly signed driver is installed your system will correctly display your interface in your device manager and upon viewing Properties of your device, should display as follows:
Anyone running Windows 10 1607 b14393 or higher with any of the following interfaces who are having issues with Windows blocking the driver should update to UC 1.8.3 (or higher) 
StudioLive 16.4.2AI
StudioLive 24.4.2AI
StudioLive 32.4.2AI
StudioLive RM32AI
StudioLive RM16AI
StudioLive RML32AI
StudioLive RML16AI
StudioLive AR8 USB
StudioLive AR12 USB
StudioLive AR16 USB
AudioBox USB
AudioBox 22VSL
AudioBox 44VSL
AudioBox 1818VSL
AudioBox iOne
AudioBox iTwo
Studio 192
Studio 192 Mobile



To report any issues, please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

>How to create a support ticket<



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