Knowledge Base


PreSonus Windows 10 Compatibility Statement

PreSonus Hardware and Software that is Compatible with Windows 10

The following current PreSonus software and hardware products and firmware versions are known to be compatible with Windows 10 (64-bit and 32-bit).

If you are running an Insider Preview build of Windows 10 (slow or fast track), this means you are running on a beta version of Windows 10. PreSonus cannot support any problems found on Insider Builds. Any issues reported with an Insider Preview version should be reported to the FeedBack Hub within your Windows 10 Menu system. Should you contact PreSonus for support and you are on an Insider Preview version, you may be asked to restore your system back the last supported full release version. 

NOTE: As of Oct 1, 2016. Windows 10 Summer Update (code named Redstone) 1607 b14393 is the latest supported version of Windows 10. 


Hardware and Control Software

AudioBox (including VSL) v1.3 with:

  • AudioBox 1818VSL
  • AudioBox 44VSL
  • AudioBox 22VSL
  • AudioBox iTwo
  • AudioBox iOne
  • AudioBox USB

FaderPort with firmware v.1.3.8

UC Surface v1.3.33654 or later with:

  • StudioLive 32.4.2AI
  • StudioLive 24.4.2AI
  • StudioLive 16.4.2AI
  • StudioLive RM32AI
  • StudioLive RM16AI

Universal Control v1.7.2 (with Virtual StudioLive) with:

  • StudioLive 24.4.2
  • StudioLive 16.4.2
  • StudioLive 16.0.2
  • FireStudio Project
  • FireStudio Mobile

SL Room Control with:

  • StudioLive 328AI
  • StudioLive 312AI
  • StudioLive 315AI
  • StudioLive s18AI


Software Applications (minimum version):

  • Capture 2.1
  • Notion Conducting 2.0
  • Notion 4.0.329
  • Notion 5.0.363
  • Progression 2.0.329
  • Progression 3.0.366
  • Room Control 1.0.28178
  • Studio One 2.6.5
  • Studio One 3.0.1
  • Studio One 4
  • Studio One 5
  • Studio One 6
  • Studio One Pro v7.0.0


New/Future Products:

  • Studio 192
  • StudioLive CS18 AI


Legacy Products:

The following legacy products are no longer supported and have not been fully tested yet are reported to be working with Universal Control 1.7.2.

  • FireStudio Lightpipe
  • FireStudio Tube



Please Note:


    It is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure that their computer, motherboard and relates core computer components are officially supported and certified by Microsoft as well as the respected Manufacturers of the Computer ( and related motherboard/components) to properly operate the latest version of Windows 10 OS. Just because you are able to install or force install a copy of Windows 10 onto an older computer does not mean that it is officially supported.

  It is the sole responsibility of the Customer to make sure that their computer(s) are not only approved to run/operate the OS's being utilized but also that their drivers and OS are up to date and current.


PreSonus is not responsible for the fundamental set up and or

related operation of Customer's Computers. 


   We encourage you to check the Microsoft Website as well as the related Manufacturer's Websites for your computer (and components) in order to validate and confirm that your computer system is in fact supported to properly operate Windows 10 as it is intended. 

  Should the you discover that your computer is not supported to run your OS and or should it be discovered by Tech Support that your computer is not supported to run the OS that is currently being used on any Customer Computer; please be aware that PreSonus cannot and does not support the usage of their products on computers that are not supported to run/operate components as well as Operating Systems in which are not supported/certified by their Manufacturers to properly run said related components, drivers, motherboards as well as the OS.




To report any issues, please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

>How to create a support ticket<



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