Knowledge Base


Faderport 8/16 Troubleshooting Guide

If you find yourself having difficulties with the Faderport 8/16, there are some things you can do to troubleshoot and get a clear idea of where the fault lies. 


Flashing Firmware


You can either revert to an older Firmware or simply update to the current firmware to test things out. Refreshing or changing the firmware can have a drastic effect on functionality. Use this with caution and remember, after testing, to update all of the Software and Hardware to the Current Versions. 

  1. Power cycle the unit holding the first two "Select" buttons.
  2. Press Setup>Factory Default, then let the unit complete the process.
  3. Then, uninstall your current version of Universal Control.
  4. Download and install the desired version of Universal Control
  5. Once UC is finished downloading, Open UC and Update to the Firmware..


Testing Connectivity


You may see issues successfully connecting your Faderport 8/16. This may mean that there isn't enough power coming from the Computer via USB. Sometimes, using a Powered USB Hub can help provide a more stable connection when you're working with multiple tracks in your DAW. To test your connections: 

  1. Test with either new or different USB cables.
  2. Connect to a different USB port on your Computer.
  3. Connect through a Powered USB Hub.
  4. Test on either a different computer or new User Profile on your computer.


Testing Functionality 


Sometimes, simply testing basic functionality can give clues to the cause of the issue. Testing the Faderport in its native software environment can show you what exactly works, and what may not.  If you don't have Studio One: 

  1.  Download the Studio One Demo.
  2.  Set the unit to Native Mode by pressing the first two Select buttons while powering on your
  3. Press the Select button below Studio One then Exit
  4.  Open a new /empty session and test Transport (play, pause, FF, RW, RTZ, record.. ) 
  5.  Once a track is laid down, test the functionality of the Fader by moving the hardware fader, then the software fader on the DAW Screen. 


These simple tests can verify whether the issues you are having are Hardware Related, or Software related. 



Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

>How to create a support ticket<




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