Knowledge Base


Capture - Exporting to SD Card for Virtual Soundcheck (Series III)

Updated July 1, 2022


Before proceeding, please be sure that your computer has the latest Universal Control installed.

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Exporting a Capture session to an SD card for Virtual Soundcheck


Capture sessions recorded in Capture 3 on a computer using USB can be loaded onto an SD Card for playback on StudioLive Series III consoles. The SD Card needs the Artist - Performance - Location naming scheme to be able to play tracks on the StudioLive.


1. Click on File>Option to view the File Handling section.




2. Click on Session>Export to SD Card...




3. Choose a location for the exported files. If you are writing the files directly to an SD card, you must first specify an empty folder for export. Do not export to the root of the SD card.




After exporting to the SD Card on your computer, insert the SD Card into your Series III console. 

On the Series III console, press the Sound Check button in the Live Recording section. To load the saved mix scene with the audio, ensure that Load Mix is highlighted. Then press Recall to load the Capture session from the SD card.


The following article contains additional information on SD Card recording/playback:

StudioLive Series III Console SD Card Recording and Playback




Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

>How to create a Support ticket<

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