Updated July 1, 2022
Before proceeding, please be sure that your computer has the latest Universal Control installed.
Found here: https://www.presonus.com/products/Universal-Control/downloads
We’ve all been there. The drummer is stuck in traffic. The guitarist is stuck at work. And you’re stuck at front-of-house (FOH) with a hyped up lead singer and bass player and no way to dial in a front-of-house mix, let alone set up the singer’s in-ear mix. Don’t panic! With Capture’s Virtual Soundcheck mode, dialing a good rough mix without the band—or with half the band missing—is quick and simple.
1. To begin, create a new Session, preferably meta-tagged with the Artist, Performance, and Location information.
2. From your empty Session, click on the Soundcheck Mode button in the upper right hand corner of the Session page.
3. Capture will automatically search your computer for Sessions and will open a list from which you can choose a Session to use for Virtual Soundcheck. Select the Session you would like to use and click “OK.”
4. The saved Capture Session will open. If your StudioLive was synced to Capture when the recording was made, you will have the option to load your StudioLive mix scene at the same time.
5. If your StudioLive mixer is synced to Capture, all the digital returns on your mixer will automatically engage.
6. Press Play in Capture and dial in your mix.
7. When you have finished setting up your mix, click the Virtual Soundcheck Mode button again to exit. This will remove the audio from the session and disengage all the digital returns on your StudioLive, leaving the track labels in both Capture and on your mixer.
Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at My.PreSonus.com/support for further assistance.
>How to create a Support ticket<