Knowledge Base


Capture - Exporting Tracks

Updated July 1, 2022


Before proceeding, please be sure that your computer has the latest Universal Control installed.

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Export Audio Files:

To export audio from your Session in Capture 3, navigate to Session>Export Tracks, or press [Ctrl]/[Cmd]+E on the keyboard to open the Export to Tracks menu.




In the top section of the Export Tracks menu, select a location and name for the audio file.

Click on the Browse button to choose a file location.

Double-click on the filename, type in a new name, and then press Enter to choose a name for the file. Each file that is exported will begin with the filename you enter, followed by the name of the track from which it was exported and the first marker of the marker pair (if applicable).



In the middle section of the Export Tracks menu, select the format of the mixdown audio file. Choose from WAV or AIFF, and then choose the desired resolution and sample rate.

If you wish to put your audio on a standard audio CD, the format should be a WAV file with 16-bit resolution and a 44.1 kHz sample rate.



The bottom section of the Export Tracks menu has several options that will affect how files are created:

• Export Session will export the entire range of your Session to the furthest point in time that any audio event on a track extends.
• Export Between Each Marker will export separate files for each range between the markers in the Marker Lane.
• Export Between Selected Markers will export audio files between
the ranges of any two selected markers in the Marker Lane.




Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

>How to create a Support ticket<

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