Before proceeding please be sure your firmware is updated on your StudioLive and that you are using the latest Universal Control:
StudioLive Series III Console - Firmware Update
StudioLive Series III Rack mixer - Firmware Update
Universal Control:
For instructions on sending FX to an aux output using Universal Control, see the article below:
StudioLive Series III - How to send FX to an Aux Output with Universal Control
A video demonstration can be found here:
StudioLive Series III - Setting up the monitor mix on StudioLive Series III digital mixers (Video)
1. Sending a channel to the FX Bus
- First, you will need to choose your FX bus (A, B, C, D) at the bottom left of the console.
- Then, raise the fader of your desired channel to adjust its send level to the FX Bus.
- Be sure that the FX Bus Master-Fader is raised before proceeding.
2. Returning FX Signal from the FX Bus to an Aux
After you have your FX Bus set with your channels,
- Choose your Aux mix from the bank on the left (mix 7 used as an example)
- Next, raise the Fader of the desired Input-channel to pass dry signal from that channel into the Aux.
- Then press the 'Next' button below the Fat Channel section until you see the FX Return faders.
- Raise the corresponding FX Return Fader (A, B, C, D, depending on which effect you selected) to add your desired amount of Wet/FX Signal into the Aux mix.
You should now have FX Signal in your Aux output.
Please note: The FX busses (A, B, C ,D) are global. Their FX Returns are the same as the Main Mix.
This article also applies for the additional FX mixes of the StudioLive 64S (E, F, G, H).