Knowledge Base


Studio Series: Overview of Loopback recording on Windows in Studio One.

Published April 20, 2022

The Windows drivers for the Studio Series interfaces provides two virtual streams that allow you to record the output of one audio application in another application.


Please note: Please ensure that you have downloaded, installed and are using the latest version of Universal Control application. This application contains the drivers for your Studio series interface. Please also ensure that the firmware is up to date on your Studio Series interface.


Please see list of compatible Studio Series loopback devices:


Studio 2|4
Studio 2|6
Studio 6|8
Studio 18|10
Studio 18|24
Studio 2|4c
Studio 2|6c
Studio 6|8c
Studio 18|10c
Studio 18|24c



Loopback can be useful in a variety of situations:

  • Recording the audio from Skype, video game or YouTube video for a podcast or livestream.
  • Recording a vocal in real time over a karaoke track played from a web browser or media player.

From Universal Control, you can enable or disable Loopback and pick the streams on which the loopback audio will be recorded. Below we will provide an example of Loopback on the Studio 24c and the 1824c and how it routes into Studio One.


Studio 24c Loopback

Mix 1/2

1. When Loopback is enabled and “Mix 1/2” is selected in Universal Control, the audio from another application will be recorded with the audio source connected to analog inputs 1 and 2 on your Studio 24c. See below screenshots of Universal Control, Skype and Studio One Audio I/O Setup.


2. Now that Mix 1/2 is enabled Main Out 1/2 (Studio 24c) that you have set as your output in your application will come in on Input 1 & 2 in Studio One. In this case we have used Skype output as an example.



3. Studio One I/O Setup.




4. Studio One audio track. Please note that we do not recommend monitoring the signal coming back from your application as this can cause feedback. (Please ensure the speaker button is not blue and is turned off as seen below)



1. When Loopback is enabled and “Virtual” is selected in Universal Control, the audio from another application will be recorded on the last pair of driver inputs (3/4). See below screenshots of Universal Control and Studio One Audio I/O.




2. Now that Virtual is enabled, Main Out 1/2 (Studio 24c) that you have set as your output in your application will come in on Input 1 & 2 in Studio One. See Skype example again.




3. Studio One I/O Setup.3. Here you can add a stereo input and assign the L + R to Virtual in 1 and Virtual in 2 (3 + 4). See below.




4. Create stereo audio track in Studio One. Please note that we do not recommend monitoring the signal coming back from your application as this can cause feedback.(Please ensure the speaker button is not blue and is turned off as seen below)



Studio 1824c Loopback

Mix 1/2

1. When Loopback is enabled and “Mix 1/2” is selected in Universal Control, the audio from another application will be recorded with the audio source connected to analog inputs 1 and 2 on your Studio 1824c. See below screenshots of Universal Control and Studio One Audio I/O setup.


2. Now that Mix 1/2 is enabled, Line Out 1/2 (Studio 1824c) that you have set as your output in your application will come in on Input 1 & 2 in Studio One. See screenshots below.


3. Studio One I/O Setup.



3. Create Stereo audio track in Studio One and set input to input L + R. Please note that we do not recommend monitoring the signal coming back from your application as this can cause feedback.



1. When Loopback is enabled and “Virtual” is selected, the audio from another application will be recorded on the last pair of driver inputs (19/20). See below screenshots of Universal Control and Studio One Audio I/O Setup.




2. Now that Virtual is enabled, Line Out 1/2 (Studio 1824c) that you have set as your output in your application will come in on Input 1 & 2 in Studio One. See screenshots below.




3. Studio One I/O Setup. Here you can add a stereo input and assign the L + R to Virtual in 1 and Virtual in 2 (19 + 20). See below.




4. Create stereo audio track in Studio One. Please note that we do not recommend monitoring the signal coming back from your application as this can cause feedback.(Please ensure the speaker button is not blue and is turned off as seen below)



For more information how to use loopback and how to avoid feedback then please have look at the following article

Recording Skype with Loopback


 Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

>How to create a support ticket<





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