Knowledge Base


Faderport 2018 Troubleshooting Guide.

Published March 23, 2022


There are a few things to do if your Fadeprort 2018 is not functioning as it should be. You can "flash" the firmware. You can also test in different environments to ensure the validity of the Hardware itself.

In all cases, a FaderPort User Manual can be of great assistance.



Flashing Firmware

  1. Power cycle the unit holding the “Prev” button
  2. Press the red “Read” button and wait until process completes.
  3. Then uninstall your current version of Universal Control.
  4. Download and install the latest version of Universal Control
  5. Once UC is finished downloading, Open UC and Update to the Firmware..


Testing Connectivity

  1. Test with new or different USB cable
  2. Connect to a different USB port on your Computer
  3. Connect thru a Powered USB Hub
  4. Test on a different computer.


Testing Functionality 

  1.  Download the Demo of Studio One 6 from your account if you do not have a copy of Studio One 6 Artist already in your account.  
  2.  Set the unit to Native Mode by power cycling the FP2 while holding the "Next" key. 
  3.  Press the "Solo" button and start Studio one. 
  4.  Open a new /empty session and test Transport (play, pause, FF, RW, RTZ, record.. ) 
  5.  Once a track is laid down, test the functionality of the Fader by moving the hardware fader, then the software fader on the DAW Screen. 


These simple tests can verify whether the issues you are having are Hardware Related, or Software related. 



Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

>How to create a support ticket<





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