Knowledge Base


Logic Pro X: Why does Fader 1 move Fader 9, 17 & 25?

Published 11th of Jan, 2022

Before proceeding please be sure your firmware is updated on your StudioLive and that you are using the latest Universal Control:

StudioLive Series III Console - Firmware Update

StudioLive Series III Rack mixer - Firmware Update

Universal Control: 



This article covers why your StudioLive has issues when moving fader 1 results in faders 9, 17 & 25 moving at the same time. 

When you set up your Control Surfaces in Logic Pro X depending on the mixer you have you are required to setup Mackie Control and either 1, 2 or 3 Mackie Control Extenders. 

To know exactly how many you required for the StudioLive you are using please consult page 3 of the Logic X Pro DAW Mode Setup Guide

  1. In Logic Pro X open
  2. Logic Pro X > Control Surfaces > Setup
  3. Ensure that after you create the required amount of control surfaces that your control surfaces are HORIZONTAL and not VERTICAL

You also need to ensure that your "Fader Bank Offset" value is correct. 

  • EXT Main should be set to 0
  • EXT 1 should be set to 8
  • EXT 2 should be set to 16
  • EXT 3 should be set to 24

To change these values "double click" and set them as desired. 

For further support and understand on this and how it works please see Control Surface Device parameters in Logic Pro X

If you require assistance on Logic X Pro and these values then please contact Apple Support

Horizontal Setup


Vertical Setup



Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

>How to create a support ticket<

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