Knowledge Base


Faderport 8 & 16: Using Mardi Gras Mode To Test The Functionality Of Your Faderport

Published July 16th, 2021


This article will outline how you can test the functionality of your Faderport 8 or 16 by using Mardi Gras mode. This test mode will cycle through all the LEDs and Fader movements.


1. To enter Mardi Gras mode press and hold the first two Select buttons while powering on the FaderPort.


2. Then select the setup menu by pressing the select button below the setup screen.



3. Select the test menu by pressing the select button below the test screen.



4. Select the mardi gras option by pressing the select button below the mardi gras screen.


Your Faderport will then enter mardi gras mode. The faders will begin to move and and the LEDS will cycle. As seen below.


If there is an issue with one of the faders, scribble strip screens or LEDS then please log a support ticket.



Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

>How to create a support ticket<



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