Knowledge Base


StudioLive - Why do I get Feedback with Capture when switching Input type from Analog to USB?

Reviewed February 23, 2021

Before continuing you will need to be sure you are using the latest Universal Control.

Universal Control can be downloaded here:



When set to Analog, the channels of the StudioLive are sourced by the XLR inputs on the physical console.

When set to USB, the channel's audio is sourced by the computer's USB channels. (Playback)


Capture has a fixed 1:1 routing scheme with the StudioLive, and can record the StudioLive's inputs regardless of input type for those channels (Analog and USB inputs can both be recorded).

When a channel in Capture is armed to record, the computer is actively listening to the armed channel on the StudioLive.

However, when the StudioLive channel is set to USB it is also listening for audio from the computer.

When the track in Capture is Armed and the StudioLive's input is set to USB at the same time:

  • the computer is returning audio to the StudioLive channel,
  • the StudioLive is returning the same audio back into the computer (Track Armed to record)
  • this process repeats and can be heard as a digital feedback.


To not have feedback when listening to your recordings, you would need to Unarm the tracks in Capture to prevent them from trying to record the same audio that is being played back.

This breaks the feedback loop as Capture would no longer be listening to the StudioLive for input- instead only sending audio back to the StudioLive.

To prevent feedback with Capture:
  • For Recording, the Inputs should be set to "Analog" on the StudioLive with Capture Channels ARMED.


  • For playback, the Inputs should be set to "USB" on the StudioLive with Capture Channels UNARMED.



For more information please see this article in regards to USB feedback with Studio One.
Although Capture does not have the same routing options as Studio One, the nature of USB feedback is the same:


Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

>How to create a support ticket<

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