Knowledge Base


StudioLive Series III - How to send FX to an Aux Output with Universal Control

Updated 1/11/2021

Before proceeding please be sure your firmware is updated on your StudioLive and that you are using the latest Universal Control:

StudioLive Series III Console - Firmware Update

StudioLive Series III Rack mixer - Firmware Update

Universal Control:



1. Sending a channel to the FX Bus

  1. First, you will need to choose your FX bus (A, B, C, D) from the bank on the right.
  2. Then, raise the fader of your desired channel to adjust its send level to the FX Bus.
  3. Be sure that the FX Bus Master-Fader is raised on the right side. (Shown below)



2. Returning FX Signal from the FX Bus to an Aux

After you have your FX Bus set with your channels,

  1. Choose your Aux mix from the bank on the right.
  2. Then you'll raise the Fader of the desired Input-channel to pass dry signal from that channel into the Aux.
  3. Then raise the FX Return Fader found after the last input channel to the far right of all faders for the Aux layer to add your desired amount of Wet/FX Signal into the Aux mix. (Shown below)



You should now have FX Signal in your Aux output.


Please note: The FX busses (A, B, C ,D) are global. Their FX Returns are the same as the Main Mix.

This article also applies for the additional FX mixes of the StudioLive 64S (E, F, G, H).



Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

>How to create a support ticket<

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