Reviewed: October 9, 2020
If you are experiencing Network-Audio drops/noise with your Series III AVB Devices
Below are some suggestions for troubleshooting,
It is important that all Series III devices be fully updated to the most recent firmware.
- Is your StudioLive's firmware fully up-to-date?
- Is your NSB Firmware fully updated?
- Is your SW5E Firmware updated as well?
- Are your Earmixes updated as well?
Beginning with firmware version 2.4, "Stagebox Setup" is now referred to as "Remote I/O Setup." These menus are otherwise identical in application.
Network Clocking
- Is the Network Clock in the "System" section of the Main StudioLive set to "Internal"? (Master Clock).
- There should only be one Series III Device set to "Internal" so that it is the Master-Clock for your network. Other consoles/racks/devices should be set to "Network Stream."
- NSBs clocks do not need to be set and are "Network Stream" by default. The NSB receives clock when an Output Source is assigned to it.
- It is recommended that any device in the AVB Network receive an AVB Stream from the Master/Internal StudioLive for Clocking.
Stagebox / Remote IO Setup
Some clocking settings for Series III AVB Devices are set in the Remote I/O Setup (Stagebox Menu) section of your Series III device.
-NSB Stagebox-
- Is "Output Source" assigned for the NSB in the Remote I/O Setup (Stagebox Setup) menu?
- It is required that an output source be assigned to send proper Network Clock to the NSB.
- Do you see a green square next to your NSB when you select it in Remote I/O Setup (StageBox setup) on the StudioLive?
- When connected and clocked, a green square should appear next to the name of the NSB in the top-right corner of your Remote I/O Setup menu on-screen.
- PLEASE NOTE: The light on the front of the physical NSB will turn BLUE when connected and clocked correctly.
-StudioLive Series III Rack-Mixer-
- In Stagebox Mode
- -Do you see a green square next to your StudioLive Rack when you select it in Remote I/O Setup (StageBox Menu) on the StudioLive after pressing Apply?
- In Monitor Mix Mode
- Do you see a green square next to your StudioLive Rack when you select it in Remote I/O Setup (StageBox setup) on the StudioLive after pressing Apply?
- Is the Network Clock in the "System" section of the StudioLive Rack-mixer set to "Network Stream" in Universal Control / UC-Surface?
- In Standalone connected to a FOH StudioLive Series III console
- Is the Network Clock in the "System" section of the StudioLive Rack-mixer set to "Network Stream" in Universal Control / UC-Surface?
- It is recommended that a single AVB Stream (of 8 channels) be sent to and from the FOH console from the connected Series III mixer when in Standalone (even if the AVB Stream is not being used on the FOH console). A FOH "AVB Send" will need to be in the connected StudioLive's "Input 1-8" (see photo below). This allows for the full send and receiving of Clocking for the network.
- This FOH Stream is assigned in the AVB Input Streams section of the "Networking" menu.
-StudioLive Series III Console-
- In Monitor Mix Mode
- Do you see a green square next to your StudioLive when you select it in Remote I/O Setup (StageBox setup) on the StudioLive after pressing Apply?
- Is the Network Clock in the "System" section of the StudioLive set to "Network Stream" in in the "System" menu?
- In Standalone connected to a FOH StudioLive Series III console
- Is the Network Clock in the "System" section of the StudioLive set to "Network Stream" in in the "System" menu?
- It is recommended that a single AVB Stream (of 8 channels) be sent to and from the FOH console from the connected Series III mixer when in Standalone (even if it is not being used on the FOH console). This allows for the full send and receiving of Clocking for the network. This Stream is assigned in the AVB Input Streams section of the "Audio Routing" menu.
The issue you are having could be cable related.
More information on recommended cabling can be found here:
- Are you using CAT5E or CAT6 (recommended) cables?
- Shielded or unshielded?
- Do they have Ethercon locking-barrels on the ends?
- Have all network cables been tested and/or swapped for comparison testing?
- Are your Series III Devices getting clean and consistent power?
- Does the circuit for your Series III System have a proper Ground?
- Are you using a Power-Conditioner? (recommended)
Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.
>How to create a support ticket<