Knowledge Base


StudioLive Series III - How to update all Series III devices

[Updated Nov 24, 2020]

Here are instructions for updating your entire Series III Ecosystem.

Step 1: Universal Control

Step 2: Update your console (and/or) rack mixer firmware

Step 3: Update AVB Network Devices.

  • Universal Control has a new feature that will show if firmware is out of date for NSB 16.8, NSB 8.0 and EarMix16. (see picture below) 


Very Important notes for upgrading EarMix, NSB and SW5E Firmware. 

  • Only one device can be connected to Universal Control during firmware updates. All other products must be disconnected and Wi-Fi disabled.
  • You will need to connect a single Ethernet cable from your computer directly to the AVB Network device to self-assign it's own IP address.
    • Self assigned IP address will appear in the format 169.254.x.x (see picture above for example)  


Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

>How to create a support ticket<


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