[Updated Nov 24, 2020]
Here are instructions for updating your entire Series III Ecosystem.
Step 1: Universal Control
Step 2: Update your console (and/or) rack mixer firmware
- Instructions on how to update your StudioLive Series III Console Firmware
- Instructions on how to update your StudioLive Series III Rack Mixer Firmware
Step 3: Update AVB Network Devices.
- Universal Control has a new feature that will show if firmware is out of date for NSB 16.8, NSB 8.0 and EarMix16. (see picture below)
- Please review the following information we have created to make this process easier:
- Instructions on how to update EarMix16M Firmware
- Instructions on how to update NSB Firmware
- Instructions on how to update SW5E Switch Firmware
Very Important notes for upgrading EarMix, NSB and SW5E Firmware.
- Only one device can be connected to Universal Control during firmware updates. All other products must be disconnected and Wi-Fi disabled.
- You will need to connect a single Ethernet cable from your computer directly to the AVB Network device to self-assign it's own IP address.
- Self assigned IP address will appear in the format 169.254.x.x (see picture above for example)
Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at My.PreSonus.com/Support for further assistance.
>How to create a support ticket<