Knowledge Base


StudioLive AR Mixers: Overview and Recording to SD Card

07 Nov 2021

Approved SD Card:

SD Card Format Tool:


Recording to SD Card

1. Insert a FAT16-formatted SD card or FAT32-formatted SDHC card into your
StudioLive ARc mixer. An SD card will provide up to 2 GB of storage space.
An SDHC card will provide up to 32 GB. Your transport controls will flash when your mixer recognizes the SD card.


2. Adjust the Gain/Trim and channel faders/knobs. Then, raise the master fader. *NOTE* The SD card records the main mix, if the master fader is down you will not record audio.


3. Press the Record button. Recording will begin when the Play/Pause and Record buttons are both illuminated.


4. Press the Play/Pause button to stop the recording


Once complete, you can transfer your recordings onto your computer by inserting the SD card into your computer’s SD card reader and copying the files to your computer’s hard drive. Each file will be labeled with an “SL-ARc” heading, followed by a number.


Playback from SD Card

1. Insert into your StudioLive ARc mixer a FAT16-formatted SD card or FAT32-formatted SDHC card that has been pre-loaded with WAV or MP3 files or that you have previously recorded onto.


2. Check that the SD / USB button is in the up position to engage the SD card as the source for the super channel. Raise the super channel fader and the master fader.


3. Press the Play/Pause button again to pause playback at the current file position.


4. Press the Return to Zero button to restart the current audio file. Press again to move to the beginning of the previous file.



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