Published May 22, 2019
Updated June 15, 2021
PLEASE NOTE: This issue was addressed with updates to Studio One 4.6.2. Non issue with current versions of Studio One 5 and Universal Control.
Issues affecting ATOM after the Studio One 4.5 update include:
- ATOM’s pad colors are no longer syncing to Impact XT
- ATOM is no longer selecting a sample in Impact XT when I hit a pad
- ATOM is changing to pad drum mode with keyboard plugins and keyboard mode with Impact XT
Until we release the fix, you can temporarily work around these issues by disabling and immediately re-enabling Input Monitoring of the selected track—just click the little speaker icon next to the record enable button in the Arranger or Console twice.
Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.
>How to create a support ticket<