Knowledge Base


Are there any specific routers that are recommended to use with StudioLive Series III family mixers?

Published on the 29th of April, 2024. 

PreSonus does not have a recommended range of routers for the Series III range of products. This is mainly due to the vast range of wireless routers on the market. 

The basic guidelines are,

  • The router is capable of assigning DHCP addresses

  • The router does not require internet access to operate

  • The wireless router is a dedicated router just for your Series III setup

  • Mesh networks are hit and miss and not supported for troubleshooting in technical support

  • Your network should be hidden from public view, this would be a best practice tip

  • Routers running in 2.4gHz mode offer wider coverage

  • Routers running in 5gHz mode off a better signal but require a better line of sight to the connected device


NOTE: Some router models have a feature which tells connected devices when no internet connection is preset upon connection. iOS usually sees these WiFi networks as Captive Wi-Fi networks, and it has an Auto-Login feature for networks that offer this capability (i.e. similar to a hotel or airport wifi login, etc.). The default iOS network setting for a Wi-Fi network with no internet connection is to try and Auto-Login, and it will give you a prompt to do so when you connect. If you don't want the login nag screen, or to have to choose "Connect without an internet connection" every time, then you have to turn off Auto-Login on your iOS device.


See here for more examples:


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