Published July 29, 2020
Loopback is a feature for Windows with certain interfaces whereby audio can be monitored from one source while recording into another (ie, monitor audio from anywhere on the web and Record into Studio One with live audio feed, i.e. PodCasts)
This is only available with the Windows driver, there is no option for Mac OS X.
Products Supported:
- Studio 2|4
- Studio 2|6
- Studio 6|8
- Studio 18|10
- Studio 18|24
- Studio 2|4c
- Studio 2|6c
- Studio 6|8c
- Studio 18|10c
- Studio 18|24c
- StudioLive AR8 Mixer
- StudioLive AR12 Mixer
- StudioLive AR16 Mixer
- StudioLive AR22 Mixer
- StudioLive AR8c Mixer
- StudioLive AR12c Mixer
- StudioLive AR16c Mixer
- ioStation 24c
There is one pitfall with setting this up where if you're not careful you can end up with a feedback loop and blast of audio in your monitors or headphones.
You can set up the loopback to monitor the outputs of Mix 1+2 and record that to a separate channel or record a Virtual 1+2, this is where some planning is necessary. A typical setup is as follows, read first before setting up.
- Run Studio One (or other DAW)
- Install the latest version of Universal Control
- Launch Studio One and setup I/O so Virtual 1+2 shows up as a stereo pair, rename the channel "Virtual 1+2".
- Open arranger window and add 1 stereo track with Virtual 1+2 as the input.
- Play any streaming content "YouTube, SoundClould, Spotify, etc"
- Hit the record button in Studio One
- End Result full distortion with meters pegged.
At this point, you've either thrown your headphones off or jumped to turn down your monitors/speaker volume.
The cause of this is that most DAW's automatically enable input monitor with record enabled. When using a DAW or any type of audio recording software like OBS Studio, you'll want to disable the monitor function on that application that is doing the audio capture to avoid getting a feedback loop.
There are a few work around's that you must do to prepare to avoid feedback.
- (In your DAW or Audio Recording App) Mute the channel before hitting record
- (In Studio One) Go to into advanced options by clicking the wrench just above in the tool bar and uncheck the box that says Monitor follows Record, so when you click the record button, the monitor does not automatically enable.
- Adjust the input by -10db
- This is not advisable: Hit Record and immediately disable Monitoring, yet there is a brief moment where there is a burst of feedback.
With some careful planning and tweaking your setup/workflow will allow you the best experience when using this feature.
Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.
>How to create a support ticket<