Knowledge Base


FaderPort 8: How to setup in Cubase 9 and Nuendo 7

Published December 11, 2017


PLEASE NOTE:  Current versions of Cubase and Nuendo will differ.


Step 1 - Select MCU mode

To use your FaderPort 8 within Cubase or Nuendo you'll first need to ensure the FP8 is set to MCU mode. 

  1. Power off the FaderPort 8
  2. Hold the first and second "Select" buttons on the FP8
  3. Power the unit back on
  4. Once the unit has powered up and displays "Select Control Mode" across the top of the scribble strips you can release the Select buttons
  5. Select "MCU"
  6. Press the eighth "Select" button ("EXIT" will be displayed on the scribble strip above this Select button)

You are now in MCU mode on your FaderPort 8 and will remain in MCU mode even if you power the device off. To change to a different mode execute the steps listed above but select a different mode (such as HUI or Studio One mode).


Step 2 - Set Cubase/Nuendo to "Mackie Compatibility Mode"

  1. Once Cubase/Nuendo is open, click the "Devices" drop down menu and select "Mackie Control"
  2. Change the Mackie Control setting to "Compatibility"
  3. Exit out of the Mackie Control menu
  4. Click the "Devices" drop down menu again and select "Device Setup"
  5. Make sure the boxes next to "PreSonus FP8" have X's in them (*NOTE: the "In All MIDI" X needs to be unchecked.)
  6. Under "Remote Devices" click on "Mackie Control"
  7. Select the "PreSonus FP8" for MIDI Input and MIDI Output

Your FaderPort 8 is now ready for use within Cubase or Nuendo.



Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

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