Knowledge Base


Faderport Family: Native Mode, HUI Mode, MCU Modes and MIDI Mode

Published March 23, 2022


The Faderport 2018 Family of Controllers have several modes that allow for its versatility with workflows and usage with various DAWs and functionality. 




Native Mode is a proprietary MIDI mode developed by PreSonus Audio Electronics for native Studio One support. (Must use Studio One 3.2.2 or higher). 



HUI Mode ( Human User Interface ) is a proprietary MIDI communications protocol created by Mackie and DigiDesign in 1997 typically for use with Pro Tools.



MCU Mode ( Mackie Control Universal ) was introduced in 2003 as a proprietary MIDI communications protocol combining together functionality from Mackie Control, Logic Control, and HUI into a single protocol typically used with Logic, Cubase, Ableton Live, and Sonar.


MIDI Mode uses a simplified MIDI protocol to use only the faders to control MIDI controllable elements in your DAW.  

  • PLEASE NOTE: MIDI Mode is only supported for the FaderPort 8 and 16.
  • PLEASE NOTE: MIDI Mode does not allow for audio track or track automation control.  It will allow for instrument parameter automation and control.  i.e. expression, velocity, pitch bend, etc... 
  • PLEASE NOTE: You will need to set up the FaderPort as a separate external MIDI Keyboard in your DAW to allow for the MIDI Mode function.



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