Published March 23, 2022
The Faderport 2018 Family of Controllers have several modes that allow for its versatility with workflows and usage with various DAWs and functionality.
Native Mode is a proprietary MIDI mode developed by PreSonus Audio Electronics for native Studio One support. (Must use Studio One 3.2.2 or higher).
HUI Mode ( Human User Interface ) is a proprietary MIDI communications protocol created by Mackie and DigiDesign in 1997 typically for use with Pro Tools.
MCU Mode ( Mackie Control Universal ) was introduced in 2003 as a proprietary MIDI communications protocol combining together functionality from Mackie Control, Logic Control, and HUI into a single protocol typically used with Logic, Cubase, Ableton Live, and Sonar.
MIDI Mode uses a simplified MIDI protocol to use only the faders to control MIDI controllable elements in your DAW.
- PLEASE NOTE: MIDI Mode is only supported for the FaderPort 8 and 16.
- PLEASE NOTE: MIDI Mode does not allow for audio track or track automation control. It will allow for instrument parameter automation and control. i.e. expression, velocity, pitch bend, etc...
- PLEASE NOTE: You will need to set up the FaderPort as a separate external MIDI Keyboard in your DAW to allow for the MIDI Mode function.
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