Knowledge Base


Studio 192: No audio out in Windows 7

Published October 5, 2015


PLEASE NOTE:  The information in this article is no longer relevant to current versions of Universal Control and Windows, but is still for the versions that are mentioned.


Windows Audio Outputs through DAW 1 and DAW 2 in UC Surface, however we found that in some instances, after re-installing the UC Surface software either as part of an upgrade or a reinstall that the main output of the Studio 192 was set to the Headphone Out 1 (HP1) in Windows Sound Devices. 

As a result UC Surface will not show any audio active in DAW 1 / DAW 2 until you change the output routing back to Main Out L/R in Windows Sound Control Panel. 

To correct this, open up Windows Control Panel and click on Sound, then click on Output Tab, scroll down and select Studio 192 Main and click "Set as Default". 

Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 users can hold down the Windows Key and hit the X key to bring up the Express Menu, then hit the letter P to be taken to the Control Panel. 



Windows 7 users click on the Start button and click where it says "Control Panel"



Next Click on "Hardware and Sound"



Next Click on Manage Audio Devices



Next you'll see your Output Devices listed like this:



Note how HP1 L/R has a Green Circle with a Check Mark, this means that Windows has set this as your Default Output (in other words, all audio routes here instead of to your Main Out 1/2). 



To fix this, scroll down where you can see Main Out L/R. 

- Select Main Out L/R

- Click on the button that says "Set Default"

- Click "OK"

- Then close any windows


Then when you open UC Surface, you should be seeing audio in DAW 1 and DAW 2 as follows. 



Update: 10/15/2015 - We dug into this deeper with Microsoft and found the possibility to set the default sound device by our own choice was removed in Windows 7.

Headphones have the highest priority (higher than Line and S/PDIF) therefore Headphones become the default playback device upon first install initialization of an audio device.


Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

>How to create a support ticket<




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