There are several possible issues that may be preventing customers from seeing their free upgrade to Studio One 3.
Issue #1: Email Notifications - Misleading information on availability of free upgrade
- On May 20th, we emailed out notifications to all customers who purchased and registered Studio One 2 between April 1, 2015 and May 20, 2015.
- These customers are eligible for a free upgrade to the new version 3.
- We have to apologize as there has been some miscommunication in the marketing and sale information stating that:
- "This free upgrade has already been added to your my.presonus account."
- Studio One 3 will NOT appear in your software until you click the
button to claim it.
Issue #2: Anyone who had opted out of email notifications were not notified.
We have no control over this. Most people don't like additional notifications so we opt out of such things, however for something as important as a free upgrade, perhaps opt-in to email in your profile would be a good idea to check that now so not to miss notifications like this in the future. As for a solution, continue reading.
Issue #3: Customers who actively Logged In to My.PreSonus or have an active session can't see free upgrade notice.
- To resolve Issue's #2 and #3
- To resolve this, your web browser login session needs to be refreshed.
- To fix follow these directions:
- 1. Please log out of and then simply log back in to your my.presonus account
- 2. NOTE: Do not just close your browser, you must click the link in the upper right corner of the screen that says "Log Out".
- 3. When you return to you will be prompted to enter your username and your password to "Log In" again.
- 4. With your login on a fresh web session, you should then see the notification of your free upgrade and access to the Studio One 3 download.
- 5. Click the
button to claim your Studio One 3 license.