Knowledge Base


Eris 3.5/4.5 BT: Android OS Pairing


PLEASE NOTE: All Android OS devices behave the same way for activating Bluetooth devices. Your screens may differ from this tutorial, the text however is the same regardless of Android OS version. 


1. From your home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen to access the Settings (the cog wheel icon at the top of your screen). 

Android_Screenshot_1.jpg     Android_Screenshot_2.jpg

2. In your Settings menu, scroll down to find the "Connections" and select it.


3. Select the Bluetooth icon and turn it on, if needed, by touching the screen where it says “Off.”


Note: Once you turn on Bluetooth, it should automatically start scanning for available devices, however if it does not you will need to start the search by selecting a button marked "Scan".  


4.  Press and hold the Pair button for three seconds on the the rear panel of the Eris E3.5BT or Eris E4.5BT. The Power/Bluetooth LED on the front of the active speaker will flash, indicating pairing is active. On your Bluetooth device, select Eris E3.5 BT or Eris E4.5 BT. This will make the device discoverable by your iPhone or iPod Touch. Once your Eris speakers are paired, the Power/Bluetooth LED will illuminate white.


5. Select the Eris E3.5 BT or Eris E4.5 BT from the list of Bluetooth devices. 


6. Once connected, your Eris E3.5 BT or Eris E4.5 BT speakers will be your default playback audio device. Press your Home button to exit Bluetooth setup. 




Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

>How to create a support ticket<



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