Knowledge Base


Can you record to Capture with the same Ethernet cable that runs the UC Surface software?

Can you record to Capture with the same Ethernet cable that runs the UC Surface software?

For AI/RM products, recording can be done via Firewire or Dante (with the correct I/O OptionCard) on Capture 3 software. 


AVB recording is currently not implemented on StudioLive AI/RM products at this time. However, these products can be AVB Connected to each other with the correct I/O OptionCards in each AI/RM mixer for Stagebox/Monitor Mixer mode.


Our Dante protocol for the StudioLive AI/RM products is currently compatible and will work with Studio One 3+ or any DAW software Audinate drivers support.  For any issues or complications you are having with your Dante Audio, please see our Dante Overview Article or contact Audinate Support for more information.


Reviewed 11/11/2020




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