Knowledge Base


UC Surface AI Mixer Network Modes

10 Nov 2020


UC Surface Network Modes

UC Surface has three different modes for IP Address configuration available for AI Consoles, RM Mixers, and the CS18. These network settings can be configured directly from the AI Console and CS18 on-screen menus, as well as from UC Surface for the AI Consoles if desired. UC Surface is also used to configure network settings for RM Mixers, although certain modes can be triggered from the RM front panel buttons (see the section at the end of this article for more information).


Dynamic IP Mode

This is the most common and also the default setting for StudioLive AI family devices. In Dynamic mode, the mixer is assigned an IP Address by a DHCP server, which is a feature included in most routers. When a mixer is powered on, it requests an IP address from the DHCP server, which then answers and assigns the mixer a unique IP Address. The mixer will continue to send and wait for an answer to its DHCP requests.


NOTE - AI Consoles, RM Mixers, and CS18 will use this mode by default, however if the user sets a Static IP for any of these devices, it will be retained each time the unit is powered on until it is changed.


Self-assigned Static IP Mode

This mode is used primarily if you’re setting up a direct connection between the mixer and another device like an AI Console mixer or CS18AI, but without the use of a router. In this mode the mixer will automatically assign itself an IP Address in the range, allowing connection with other devices in the same IP address range.


Manual Static IP Mode

This mode is typically reserved for more complex networking installations and is usually setup by an IT professional. In this mode you can manually assign an IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway. If you’re not sure how to configure static IP address assignments, please consult your IT Administrator before attempting to configure the AI device in Static Manual IP Address mode.

Setting up the IP Address modes can be done in the Settings view of UC Surface under the Network tab. Alternatively, you can change the IP Address modes during bootup with the following method:


RM Mixer Network Button Press Functions -


Cue Button

Hold down the Cue source button while booting the mixer to switch to Dynamic IP mode. For this mode to initialize, the Cue button must continue to be held from the moment the mixer is powered on until all channel LEDs illuminate green (RM32 Pictured):



Main Button

Hold down the Main source button while booting the mixer to switch to Self-assigned Static IP mode. For this mode to initialize, the Main button must continue to be held from the moment the mixer is powered on until all channel LEDs illuminate red (RM16 Pictured):





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