Knowledge Base


Stagebox Modes for AI Consoles and RM Mixers

10 Nov 2020

Remote IO / Monitor

  • This mode operates the same as the previous implementation of stagebox setup between AI Consoles and RM Mixers, in which the RM Mixer shares the Main Mix with the AI Console and streams can be sent between the mixers in a 1:1 channel configuration. In this mode, the RM is also a monitor mixer, such that its own physical Mix Outs can still be used to output local mixes.


Stagebox (or “Simple” Stagebox)

  • When using Stagebox mode, the mixer DSP on the RM is bypassed and all RM outputs are copies of the AI Console’s Aux/Subgroup outputs as shown below:

(UC Surface control is NOT supported for RM Mixers in this mode)


 RM Inputs 1-32

 32.4.2AI Inputs 1-32

 24.4.2AI Inputs 1-24 (RM inputs 25-32 are not available to the AI Console mixer)

 16.4.2AI Inputs 1-16 (RM inputs 17-32 are not available to the AI Console mixer)


 RM Main Mix Outputs Left, Right, Mono

 AI Console Mixer Main Outputs Left, Right, and summed Mono


 RM32 Mix Outputs 1-16

 RM16 Mix outputs 1-8

 32.4.2AI Aux outputs 1-14, Subgroups 1-2

 32.4.2AI Aux outputs 1-8

 24.4.2AI Aux outputs 1-10, Subgroups 1-4 (last 2 Mix  outputs are unused)

 24.4.2AI Aux outputs 1-8

 16.4.2AI Aux outputs 1-6, Subgroups 1-4 (last 6 Mix  outputs are unused)

 16.4.2AI Aux outputs 1-6,  Subgroups 1-2


Setting up StudioLive RM Mixer Stagebox:

1. In the AI Console System Menu, page down to the Network Stagebox page

- This page contains the connected Mixer option, Stagebox On/Off option, and Stagebox Mode option


2. If the connected RM mixer is not selected as the Connected Mixer, use the value encoder to scroll to the desired mixer


3. Press the next button to move the cursor to the Stagebox On/Off option and enable Stagebox Mode

- By default it will enter “Remote IO + Monitor Mixer” mode

4. To change the mode to Stagebox (Simple Stagebox), press the next button to move the cursor to the Stagebox Mode option and use the value encoder to scroll to “Stagebox”




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