Knowledge Base


StudioLive AI/RM mixers with UC-Surface - Scenes: Saving, Recalling, and Copying to the Local Device

Updated 3 Jun 2021

The AI series mixers have the ability to save and load Scenes to and from their internal memory using the UC Surface software running on PC, Mac, or iPad.

 NOTE: Because certain functions in UC Surface require communication with an actual mixer, some features may not function correctly or be available when using the 32.4.2AI or RM32AI Demo in Universal Control. This includes the ability to save and load scenes.

Saving Scenes in UC Surface:

1. Press the Scenes button.


This brings you to the Mix Scenes view, where you can save and load Mix Scenes. Per the UC Surface Manual:

Mix Scenes (StudioLive AI-series). A scene is like a snapshot of your mix: It stores each Fat Channel parameter for every analog input, as well as each fader’s position, the aux and effects mixes, channel mutes and solos, etc.


All AI family mixers let you quickly create and store up to eight snapshots of your mix as Mix Scenes for quick and easy recall, without the need to enter a Scene Name. In addition to being able to save and load Mix Scenes here, you can also access the Scene Menu in order to save and load Named User Scenes.


2. Press the Scene Menu button to access the Scene Menu.


This opens the Scene Menu view in UC Surface



3. To save a Scene, select an empty location slot, and then press the 'Store' Button above the recall filters.





Loading Scenes in UC Surface:

From the Scene Menu view select your Saved Scene and press the Recall button




NOTE: When a Scene is saved, it always saves all information and settings in the Scene. When you Recall the scene, you have the ability to selectively recall certain parameter groups using the Scene Recall Filters. The Recall Filters apply to both Mix Scenes from the Quick Recall view and to Named User Scenes recalled from the Scene Menu.



Scene Backup to Local computer/iOS device:

To backup an individual scene, highlight the desired scene and click the arrow facing right between the Mixer and Local columns. Once the copy is complete, the selected scene will appear in the local column.





Clicking the Sync All button will copy all scenes from the mixer to the local device.


*NOTE* Sync All will not copy scenes from the Local column to the mixer. They will need to be copied to the mixer one at a time by selecting and clicking the arrow facing left.




Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

>How to create a support ticket<

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