Knowledge Base


Windows Vista, 7 and 8 Advanced Power Options Settings

This document describes how to change advanced power settings to eliminate dropouts, pops, clicks, and other issues that can occur while a USB or FireWire audio interface is connected to a PC running Windows 7 or 8.



  • AudioBox USB
  • AudioBox 22VSL
  • AudioBox 44VSL
  • AudioBox 1818VSL
  • FireStudio Project
  • FireStudio Mobile



Check the following advanced power options in Control Panel.

Win 7 or Vista:
-> Click Start
-> Type 'Power Options' (without quotes) and hit enter

Win 8 users only:
-> Right-click Start (or WinKey+X)
-> Choose Power Options

All versions of Windows:
-> Click "Change plan settings" for the currently selected power plan
-> Click "Change Advanced Power Settings"

You will need to restart your computer after making the changes that are outlined in this guide.

Note: If this is a laptop then change these options for "while plugged in".
Some systems may not have all of the power options that are listed here. 

- PCI Express
    - Link State Power Management
        - Setting: OFF

- Processor power management
    - Maximum processor state
        - Setting: %99
    - Minimum processor state
        - Setting: %99
    - Cooling Policy
        - Setting: Active

- USB Settings
    - USB selective suspend setting
        - Setting: Disabled

- Wireless Adapter
    - Wireless Adapter Settings
        - Setting: Maximum Power Savings

- Intel(R) Graphics Settings
    -Intel(R) Graphics Power Plan
        -Setting: Maximum Performance

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