Knowledge Base


Capture Duo and Capture for iPad asks for access to my microphone?

Updated 31/05/2020

Another way to read this question would be: Why can't I record with my iPad's built in microphone?

When you first install Capture for iPad, the iPad will ask if Capture can have access to the built-in microphone. You should answer "Yes".

If you answer "No" you will not be able to record in Capture from the iPad's built-in microphone when you are not using an audio interface such as the iOne.

To reenable Capture to have access to the iPad's built in microphone you will need to do the following: 
1.) Go the the "Settings" of your iPad.
2.) Tap "Privacy"
3.) Tap "Microphone"
4.) Enable the Microphone next to the Capture Duo or Capture icon by tapping the switch.

Now you should be able to record in Capture from your iPad's built-in microphone.


Please contact PreSonus Technical Support by creating a Support Ticket at for further assistance.

>How to create a support ticket<

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