In Mac OS X 10.7 and 10.8, it is possible to attenuate, or even mute, the signal of the AudioBox in the Audio MIDI Setup program. If you are receiving, or outputting, a signal that you believe is too weak, check in Audio MIDI Setup using the steps below to make sure that this is not the case.
- Open the Applications folder
- Open the Utilities folder
- Open Audio MIDI Setup
- Select the AudioBox product on the left side
- Check under both Input and Output tabs; if any channels are turned down or muted, pull the fader all the way to the right and/or uncheck the "Mute" box. The proper values should read:
- Value: 1
- dB: 0
- Mute: Unchecked
Below is an image representation of what this may look like. Please note the first two faders; the Master volume is attenuated, down to -33dB, and the first input is muted. Input 2, however, is configured properly.
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