Knowledge Base


Studio One 6: Activation issues when using Active Directories with roaming profiles.

This article is for school IT administrators that are running Active Directories with roaming profiles and should help to avoid activation issues with Studio One.


When using Studio One, there is a license file that is deposited in two locations.  If you are using Active Directories at a school with login scripts and roaming profiles, it is important to NOT copy these two license files from one machine to another via roaming profiles.  They must be omitted from your roaming profiles/login scripts.  Below are the two locations on Windows machines.  The name of the license file that you need to omit is user.license.  


1.  C:\ProgramData\PreSonus\Studio One #  (whereas # is the version of Studio One that you are running)


***Program Data is a hidden folder.  Below is an article from Microsoft with instructions for showing hidden files and folders.


2.  C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Roaming\PreSonus\Studio One # (whereas # is the version of Studio One)


Once you have omitted the user.license file from the above two locations from your roaming profiles, the program should be able to be activated and stay activated.  

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