Reasons for backing up:
You are re-installing the operating system and need to back up the song files to an external hard drive.
You are transferring song files from one computer to another computer, either a colleague or simply another computer you have at a different location.
You are moving the songs to a new location or drive.
By default, your song files are located in the Songs folder indicated in Studio One under the menu option Options > Locations > User DATA (PC) or Preferences > Locations > User Data(macOS).
Shown in the following example:
When you assign this path, the following folders will automatically be created: Presets, Projects (S1 Pro only), Shows, and Songs. You can set this path to wherever you like, but keep in mind the folder structure.
1. To backup your songs, open Documents > Studio One or wherever you have the User DATA path for songs set to and select the top level "Songs" folder.
2. Then, open the device you will be saving the file to. In this example, a drive labeled "SongsBackup" is being used, but you select any location you wish.
3. Drag and drop to copy the Songs folder that contains all your songs into the location you wish to backup to. You could also use copy and paste to do this.
Now the entire SONG folder that contains the Studio One songs will be backed up on the external drive.
If you will be restoring these song files onto the same computer after a OS update, reinstall, or a back up restoration, you can transfer the entire "Song" folder back into the file path on your computer that will be hosting your songs once Studio One will be reinstalled. So, remember the location you have set in Locations > User DATA. Place the Songs folder back in that location. In this example, the default location Documents > Studio One is set as the path.
1. Drag the Songs folder from the backup device to the Studio One folder location you have set in Locations > User DATA.
Steps for transferring the Songs from one location to a new location. For example, a secondary or external hard drive.
1. Create a folder on the destination drive called Studio One. In this example, the "F" drive named NEWDRIVE is being used.
2. Drag and drop the Songs folder from the backup drive to the Studio One folder in the new location.
3. Open Studio One and go to Options(Preferences macOS) > Locations > User DATA, and select the Studio One folder in the new location.
Use the steps below if you are transferring song files from one computer to another computer, from either a colleague or simply another computer you have at a different location.
The steps will be similar, however perhaps you only need to send one song and not an entire list of songs. In this case, you can use the "Save to new folder" option in Studio One.
1. Open the Song in Studio One. Make sure your song plays and sounds correct. That is there is no audio missing.
2. Then, before saving, go to Options/Preferences(macOS) > Locations, and on that window, select "Ask to copy external files when saving Songs."
3. Go to "File" in the menu bar of Studio One and select "Save to New Folder..."
4. Choose the destination for your song to be saved to. Perhaps a folder on your desktop.
5. Click Save. This will create a new folder for this particular song and copy all media files it needs to that same folder.
CAUTION: Making changes after doing this will edit the new copied version of the Studio One song, not the original.
6. Go to the destination of that song on your hard drive and copy the entire folder to where you would like it to be stored.
7. If using an FTP site, like DropBox to transfer the file or if the file is small enough to email, you will likely need to zip the entire song folder that was saved to the new folder and FTP and/or email.
****Please note, soundset loops or samples from Studio One and third party samples that you are using may only be referenced by the song and not actually stored in the song folder. Bouncing the tracks that use samples prior to moving will ensure the songs are not affected.
**** For more information on sample file management, please refer to the Studio One 6 Manual > The Browser > Pool Tab.