Knowledge Base


Unsupported Unicode Characters in Studio One Pro+ and Studio One

Below you will find information on currently unsupported characters in PreSonus Studio One Pro+ when used in conjunction with Studio One.  


In the web browser (examples):

  • 合作 as a workspace name will result in '??'
  • 合作 as a folder name will work
  • Emojis in workspace names will result in '??????'
  • Emojis in folder names will either work (only for some emojis like heart/checkmark) or be left out ... leading to empty folder name in the extreme
  • Uploading the file 合作 .wav will just fail in the browser (the first confirmation window will show, but there will be no upload)
  • Uploading the file ❤✔.wav in the browser will also fail (emojis supported in folder names)

In Studio One this will cause these potential problems (Upload is shown as 'Failed' in the Transfers window)

  1. Publish to Sphere
    • Stem render with unsupported characters in track name
    • Mixdown with unsupported characters in mixdown file name
    • ZIP file export for a song with unsupported characters in the name
  2. Drag 'n' drop of elements/files with unsupported characters into the cloud browser
  3. Workspace and folder creation in the cloud browser will either fail or have the characters replaced by '?'
  4. Collaboration where any of the files/folders in the shared document folder contains unsupported characters or unsupported characters are used for the created workspace/document folder (Send will permanently fail for files with unsupported characters)
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