If you are not subscribed to PreSonus Sphere, there is no automatic way to backup and restore Studio One's settings files. This can be an issue as(for example)it may take a lot of time to create custom plugin folders and some other similar things, and if the settings files get corrupted, all of that is gone forever.
Here are some of the things in the Studio One settings folder:
- Custom plug-in folders, User MIDI device settings and Installed Studio One Extensions, Third-party plugin locations, Keymaps, Recent Song/Project history.
If you want to back up Studio One settings from time to time, please follow the steps below. This assumes that Studio One is working normally and as you prefer, and that you want to back up a current good state. These steps are identical for both platforms, Windows or macOS.
Backup Settings
- In Studio One, go to menu Help > Open Settings Folder
- Select and copy everything in the settings folder to the clipboard. (if you have lots of extensions this may be large data copy)
- Create a new folder named "Studio One Settings" somewhere safe, like in your Documents folder.
- Paste the data from the settings folder there.
That will serve as your application settings backup, If you ever want to update your backup later after making other changes to Studio One, follow the same process and simply paste the new data in your backup folder to overwrite the old data.
Restore Settings
If you ever open Studio One and notice that you've lost your settings(Recent Files, etc.), and you want to restore settings from your backup, follow the steps below:
- Go to menu Help > Open Settings Folder
- Close Studio One. This is important. Studio One must not be running when you copy the settings from the backup.
- To simplify the process, delete everything in the settings folder that you opened in step one.
- Go to your settings backup folder and copy everything in it.
- Paste it into the Studio One settings folder that you opened in step one.
Launch Studio One and everything will be back the way it was when you created the settings backup.